Friday, June 26, 2009

PWT = Brett Easton Ellis

PWT = Brett Easton Ellis (though I haven't read his books cos Christian Bale's a knobstick).

This should probably be a comment on the last post rather than a new post, but go fuck yourself.

What about how I piss about most when I've got the most work to do. That makes no sense.
And how I'm so forgettable that my blogspot account doesn't "remember me" no matter how many times I check the box. And no - I haven't cleared my cookies and creams. The sonovabitch just likes to remind me that I'm ineffectual and unable to make a lasting impression.
Also, my left buttock hurts.
What about the inability of people well over 30 to:
- take that information without feigning offense or discomfort; or
- take that information and create some reasonable comedy.
And I thought I was immature.

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