Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Pump tapes

Things I don't understand: why couples make sex tapes.
Things you can't conceivably want to see: video of yourself in action.
Doesn't everyone cringe when they see themselves (clothed) on video?

I remember seeing an interview once with Richard "Jaws" Dreyfuss (no, not the James Bond villain) talking about seeing himself on the big screen for the first time in the '70s and deciding that he had better take the next job offered because he thought he looked like shit up there. Now, Dreyfuss is no Depp, and while he's definitely well into the downslide of his career, at the time of this revelation he was big news. A dramatic heavy-hitter in the short, Jewish, method mould of Hoffman. Dreyfuss was Spielberg's LaBeouf of the day. Here's a guy who - regardless of actual looks - would have had his fair share of birds and general self confidence at the time.

What I'm getting at is: pump tapes are ill-conceived. "Let's tape ourselves pumping" should surely always be met with a "why?". Fair play if you intend to circulate the video because you're an exhibitionist, but people I know who have made a pump tape have then gone to great lengths to "keep it secret, keep it safe" from everyone, their partner most of all.

Don't get me wrong, I love my amateur porno, particularly when it involves celebrities, decent lighting and is preceded by at least six months of intensive physical preparation. But being entertained or producing a mongrel (semi or full) as a result of watching your own pump tape? That's some sick shit.

Still - I'm a voyeur. Matt: tell me more about your pump tape(s).


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